
Showing posts from March, 2019

Two Portraits Prework

Fine portrait: Visual art that is created aesthetic or intellectual value rather then practical purposes. Margarita Sorokina I like this picture because of the facial expression on the women and I think it shows a mood of elegance and power. Russ Elkins I like this picture because it shows a man with a warm smile and I think the photographer wants to show a nice, easy going man. Commercial Portraits: Photos for commercial use (business, sales, money). Travis Duncan I like this picture because I love snowboarding and being at the mountain. I think this picture is trying to advertise the mountain and all the brands that are on the snowboard. Aglet Design I like the colors in this picture and how they blend together. I think they are trying to advertise Ferrari cologne and make it cool sporty and cool. Fine Art vs. Commercial Portraits Fine art I think this is an example of Fine Art photography because it is more about his facial expression and  you can tell the ph

Surrealism and Photomontage Prework

Ronen Goldman Goldman is an artist and conceptual photographer based in Israel. He is specialized in constructing photographs that illustrate various dream states. I really like this picture because it is showing the path of a card being thrown through the air and it has a really cool feel. Rene Magritte Surrealism is a movement in art that focuses on creativity and is supposed to represent a dream like mood. It is something that can not be possible to do in real life and can only be made up in the imagination. Salvador Dali

Digital Alternative Process

Cyanotype Daguerreotype Gum Bichromate